Breathe Easy | Pillow Wad

Breathe Easy

Starting with great quality hay means there’s less dust for us to tackle, but we leave nothing to chance. Our trusty machines works hard making sure all our hay and straw is virtually dust-free and delicious every time!


These steps are crucial, not just for the quality but also for the comfort of your pets. Here’s why our commitment to dust extraction really matters…


  1. Snuffle Friendly – Dust in hay? Not on our watch!
    It can stress your pet’s tiny airways. That’s why our machines ensure every stand is virtually dust-free, protecting delicate breaths with each nibble.
  2. Pristine Quality – When we say clean, we mean it.
    Removing duct means enhancing the natural quality of nutrition of our hay – keeping it as fresh as the great outdoors!
  3. Happier Munching – Every bit is clean, keeping mealtime serene.
    Your pets can enjoy their meals without sneezes, savouring each bite with less irritation and more comfort.


Curious to see just how we do it? 

Come with Will for a behind the scenes look at our dust-extraction process in action…


Watch Here

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Important: Please order your Hamper on its own and not with any other products in your basket. That way we’ll be able to offer you FREE postage.

As we’re lovingly preparing your hamper by hand, we’ll be delivering these to you w/c: 12 December so they arrive in time for the festivities!